ComTech: Do’s and Don’ts in production environment pentest

ComTech: Do’s and Don’ts in production environment pentest

Hello everyone
After a short break, ComTech is back.

Today’s post will talk about something that is relevant to every pentest, the do’s and the don’ts of pentesting a production environments.
Let’s start:

  • Don’t use or use a little as possible automated scanners.
    In application PT – use non, do all manual. In infrastructure PT – use only the most needed ones. The automated scanners that should be avoided include vulnerability scanners (Nessus, OpenVas in infra PT, Burp pro scanner, Acunetix in app PT).
  • Perform as much of the test manually.
  • Especially don’t use any tools in OT environment (industrial control system, SCADA). These environments are especially sensitive, and a simple port scan might crash them altogether. 
  • If you do need to use tools in infra PT, make sure you mark the “safe checks” checkbox if exist (Nessus, OpenVas).
  • Don’t use payloads that can cause any damange. This include innocent looking payloads such as the classic XSS and SQLI <script>alert(‘xss’)</script> and ‘ or 1=1– in app PT.
    The first might pop up a message in a production page in a persistent XSS, that would cause embarrassment to the client, and the second, if done in the wrong place, could delete all of the records in a table (if injected to a delete command), or issue a fetch command that would get all of the records and might bring the system down.
  • Always clean up after yourself, and do the best effort to delete any testing records and data, especially any data stored in a persistent storage (DB).
  • In infra PT (and also relevant to app PT) don’t send a large input to a tested interface, as it might also cause the system to crash.
  • If money is involved, always ask the client for QA credit cards. Avoid using your own credit card in PTs. 
  • Don’t change any configuration in an admin interface or CMS, unless explicitly permitted by the client.
  • Open and use your test emails to make sure you won’t get spammed long after the test is over.
  • Don’t do online login brute-force attack without permissions, as it might lockout production users.
  • If you are testing a hosted cloud-based system, always make sure you have the appropriate permissions to do so, and that the cloud provider is aware and approves it.
  • In spite of what is written above, always talk to the client and match expectations. There might be specific production environments that you could do the don’ts mentioned above.

Stay safe

Gil Cohen


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